living the time of shifting from service to creation

Archive for the ‘Programe de dezvoltare’ Category


Chakra Workshop – modulul 4



Chakra Workshop – modulul 3



Chakra Workshop – modulul 2



Un curs practic despre chakre, sanatate si echilibrare fizica, mentala, emotionala si spirituala, sustinut de


Chakra afis mic

Energia vitala este cea care ne mentine sanatatea si vitalitatea, sustinand functionarea noastra corecta din punct de vedere fizic, emotional, mental si spiritual prin intermediul aurei si al chakrelor.

Aura este oglinda a ceea ce suntem, a tuturor trairilor si experientelor noastre, este suma si expresia energiilor pe care le producem, primim sau inmagazinam si ne inconjoara in permanenta.

Aura, impreuna cu chakrele formeaza propriul nostru sistem energetic.

Chakrele sunt centre energetice, asemanatoare unor mici vortexuri, care absorb si distribuie energie in corpul si aura fiecaruia dintre noi. In corpul fiecaruia exista 7 chakre majore, care sunt principalele canale de alimentare si dispersie a energiei in corp si care se considera ca influenteaza, fiecare in mod specific, organele interne, sistemul osos si muscular, sistemul endocrin, cel circulator si limfatic.

Prin aura si chakrele noastre interactionam cu tot ce ne inconjoara, proiectam in exterior si preluam acelasi tip de energii.

Dupa cum spune o vorba de duh – „ce dai, aia primesti”.

Beneficiile intelegerii modului in care functioneaza propriul sistem energetic sunt:
• producerea unui flux constant si echilibrat de energie in corp
• echilibrarea si imbunatatirea starii de sanatate, vitalitate si bunastare
• mobilizarea constienta si specifica a resurselor de energie necesare intr-un anumit moment
• reducerea nivelului de oboseala si stress si capacitatea de    re-echilibrare rapida si constienta.

Programul este structurat pe 2 niveluri, fiecare avand 2 module interconectate.
Inscrierea se face incepand cu Nivelul 1 – Modulul 1.
Nivelul 2 are la baza cunostintele si exercitiile dobandite la Nivelul 1.

About change, fear, anger and new perspectives

Hi everybody!

Long time no see you … or you see me. 🙂

Weeell – been a bit busy with the crazy rollercoaster we are in these days.

I guess the best way to put in words the last few months (especially the last 2) is to mark 2 “de facto” feelings or happenings (I really don’t know how to call them) – settling down and stretching your limits.

And because both of them imply a change of pace it is only natural to get confronted with fear and anger.

During the last 2 months “happened” to speak a lot (with friends, coaching/training clients or people I just met) about these two feelings, but I’d say a bit more about fear (even had a training on how to deal with the fear of speaking in public 🙂 ).

In the same period of time we had a real flood of materials on this subjects and that’s a strong mark of the changing pace we are in.

Change it is scary. Change, even it means to settle down, means something new, unknown, it means something else then what we used to do/be and it is only natural to feel fear and, sometimes, anger (yes, anger might be an expression of the fear).

Hiding or ignoring them it’s far from being the best way to deal with. Putting down, suffocating what you feel is like denying what you are – human.

And above all, now, we are, at first, humans – with all the nice or not so nice feelings we have and with all our hormones and physiology triggered by what de we feel.

You will find hereafter a very good piece on anger, from the material “The third way”, by Jeshua, channeled by Pamela.

What you will read is a good way on understanding and dealing, both, with anger and fear.

And here are some questions I frequently ask my trainees and coachees:

What if you will change fear with curiosity?

How this will change your perspective?

What will be the impact on your actions?


Enjoy the article, be good and play nice,

All the best for you guiz,

A :*


“For a long time, you entered into a battle with your humanity – the human condition. Lots of spiritual paths are based on the idea that you must work on yourself, that you have to elevate yourself, and that you have to impose on yourself a planned path of action that will lead you into an ideal situation. But this idea creates much inner struggle. If you start with the idea of a required ideal, you impose standards upon yourself you very well know inside you do not or can not meet – so you fail from the outset.

Feel, now, the energy of this way of thinking: what you are doing to yourself, what energy comes from the need to impose, from the quest to improve yourself, and from the desire to organize life, your emotions, and your thoughts. Feel the energy of wanting to control things. Is that a loving energy? Often, that energy poses as love, as the good and the true, but power always conceals itself in this way so it is easier for people to accept. Power does not show its face openly; power seduces through thought. That is why it is better to not think about, but to feel what the desire to control life is doing to you. Look at yourself in your daily life, in the present, in your life now. How often do you still do battle with yourself, do you condemn what rises up in you, what naturally springs up in you and wants to flow? In this state of judgement sits a criticizing energy, a coldness: “this should not be, this is wrong, this needs to go away”. Feel this energy – does it help you?

I want to now take you to a different way of looking at yourself; a place where change can occur, but without fighting, without a heavy-handed tackling of yourself. To make this clear, let me give you an example. Imagine something happens in your life that calls up a feeling of anger or irritation in you – whatever you want to name it. Now, you can react to that anger in different ways. If you are not used to reflecting on your emotions, and your reactions are very primary, then there is nothing there but anger – you are angry, period. You are engulfed in it, and you identify with the anger. Often, it then happens that you put the cause of your anger outside yourself – you project the blame onto someone else. Someone else did something wrong and it is his or her fault that you feel angry. This is the most primary reaction – you are identified with your anger, you are angry.

Another possibility is what I call the second way to react. You are angry and there is immediately a voice in your head that says, “this should not happen; this is wrong; it is not good that I became angry; I must suppress this.” It might be that suppressing your anger has been taught to you through your religious upbringing or from a societal perspective. For example: it is better, nicer, more morally upright not to show your anger to others. It certainly applies to women that it is not fitting to express anger openly – that it is not feminine.

There are all sorts of ideas you have been talked into, causing you to judge anger in yourself. Then what happens? There is anger in you, and immediately there wells up an opinion over it: “this is not allowed, this is wrong.” Your anger then becomes your shadow side because, literally, it may not come into the Light – it should not be seen. What happens to the anger if it is suppressed in this way? It does not disappear, it goes behind your back to affect you in other ways; it may cause you to be scared and anxious. You can not utilize the power that resides in the anger, because you do not allow yourself to use it. You may show your sweet, nice, helpful side, but not that passionate, angry side – the rebellious side of yourself. So the anger becomes locked in, and you think you are different from other people because you have these feelings, so you might even start to distance yourself from others. In any case, this creates a bitter conflict inside yourself, and seemingly between two selves, a Light self and a Dark self. Meanwhile, you are caught in this painful game, and it hurts inside, because you can not express yourself. It is this judgement that limits you.

Do you really become a better person because of this reaction? Is suppressing your own emotions going to lead you to the ideal of a peaceful, loving human being? If I describe all this to you, you can see very clearly that this type of reaction does not work – it does not lead to real peace, to real inner balance. Yet you do all this to yourself. Very often, you silence your emotions, because they are not good according to the morals you hold, and you do not reflect on these morals – where they come from, and by whom or by what have they been fed to you. So this is what I recommend you do: to not think about it, but to feel it. Feel that energy that resides in the judgments you fire toward yourself, with your images of what is ideal and what you “should do”, which sometimes comes out of seemingly very high motives – let that be. You do not become enlightened by reining in your emotions and by systematically suppressing them.

There is a third way – a third way to experience your own human emotions. The first way was to totally identify with your anger, as in the previous example. The second way was to crowd it out, to suppress it and to condemn it. The third way is to allow it – to let it be and to transcend it. That is what consciousness does. The consciousness of which I speak does not judge – it is a state of being. It is a way of observation that is at the same time creative. Now, many spiritual traditions have said: be aware of yourself, that is sufficient. But then you wonder: how can that be? How can the mere awareness of myself bring about change in the flow of my emotions? You have to realize that consciousness is something very powerful. It is much more than a passive registering of an emotion – consciousness is an intense creative force.

Now imagine again that something in the outside world evokes a powerful emotion in you – for example, anger. When you deal with it consciously, you observe it fully in yourself. You do nothing about it, while at the same time you keep observing and watching. You no longer identify with the anger, you do not lose yourself in it, you just allow the anger to be what it is. This is a state of detachment, but a detachment that takes great strength, because everything you have learned seduces you into being drawn into your moods, inside the emotion of anger or fear. And to make it more complicated, you also get drawn into judgment about that anger or fear. So you are being drawn in two ways and pulled away from consciousness, the exit I talked about in the beginning: the exit that is the road to inner peace. Your usual ways of dealing with emotions draw you away from that center point, as it were, away from that consciousness, and yet this is the only way out. Only by silently observing the full extent of the emotion, you do not become unconscious, you remain entirely present. You do not let yourself be drawn in – neither by the emotion, nor by the judgment about the emotion. You look at it in full consciousness and with a feeling of softness: ”this is the way it is in me”.

“I see anger arise in me; I feel it course through my body”. “My stomach reacts, or my heart; my thoughts are racing to justify reasons for my emotion”. “My thoughts tell me I am right and not the other person.” All this you can see happen as you observe yourself, but you do not go along with it. You do not drown in it; you do not go under. That is consciousness – this is clarity of mind. And in this way you bring to rest the demons in your life: the fear, the anger, the mistrust. You give them strength when you identify with them, or if you fight them with judgement – either way, you nurture them. The only way to transcend them is to rise above them, as it were, with your consciousness – not to fight them, but simply to let them be.

What then happens to you? Consciousness is not something static; things do not remain as they are. You will notice that if you do not nourish the energy of the emotion or of your judgment about it, they will gradually dissipate. In other words, your equilibrium becomes stronger; your basic feeling becomes more one of peace and joy. Because if there is no longer a battle in your heart and in your soul, the joy comes bubbling upward. You see life with a milder eye. You see the movement of emotions in your body and you observe them. You also observe the thoughts that start to race through your head, with a look that is soft and mild. Know that the ability to observe, and to not be swallowed up, is something very powerful and strong. This is what it is all about: this is the exit!

I want to ask you now, in this moment, to experience the power of your own consciousness – the pure being – and the liberation by way of it that allows you to feel there is nothing you need to change in yourself. Feel the tranquility and the clarity of this consciousness: that is who you really are. Put away the false judgments. Let the emotions flow and do not suppress them – they are part of you and some of them have a message. Ask yourself if you have an emotion that you fear, one that is bothering you, one you fight? Maybe one that has become taboo for you? Allow it now to come forward in the form of a child or an animal – to present itself; to show itself. That child might express itself completely, or it might even misbehave. Whatever happens, it must be allowed to do everything it wants to do, and to tell you what it feels. You are the awareness that looks and says, “Yes, I want to see you; I want to hear your story, express it”. “Tell me your story, because it is your truth; it might not be the Truth, but I want to hear your story.” Experience your emotions that way and do not condemn them. Let them come to speak with you. Treat them with the mildness of a wise old person, and observe what that child or animal brings. There is often hidden in a negative emotion a pure life force that wants to emerge, one that has been choked to death by all the prejudices of judgement. Let the child or animal come skipping toward you. Maybe it changes its appearance now – receive it with loving openness.

© Pamela Kribbe 2012